Weekly Updates
QRL Weekly, 2024-March-12
Weekly Development Snapshot
- Added more unit tests for qrysm
- Refactoring: qrysm v2 API services name changed to v1
- P2P code review for qrysm in progress
QRL Weekly, 2024-March-05
Weekly Development Snapshot
QRL Zond
- Majority of the unit tests and integration tests fixed, 20 to 30 unit/e2e tests are still pending for Qrysm
- Refactored Dilithium public key and signature length into fieldparams package
- Removed unused deprecated stream methods
- porting of trueblocks.io to have zond compatibility underway
- PoW Ledger app compatibility review
QRL Weekly, 2024-February-27
Weekly Development Snapshot
- Fixed some e2e tests (such as validators_vote_with_the_majority) for qrysm
- Fixed unit tests for updated proto files in Qrysm
- Work in progress with tests for Qrysm to have further code coverage
QRL Weekly, 2024-February-20
Weekly Development Snapshot
- Qrysm unit tests are in progress for beacon-chain packages such as forkchoice, monitor, rpc and state
- Fixed several Qrysm unit tests for cache, gateway, p2p, sync, core
- The new code is being reviewed to before we begin making further changes
QRL Weekly, 2024-February-13
Weekly Development Snapshot
- More unit tests and integration tests are being added for qrysm
- Several unit tests have been fixed for qrysm
- Deprecated commands from qrysmctl have been removed
- Several non required dependencies have been removed from qrysm
- update to explorer back end to support more rpc calls
- functional wallet create/send/receive wallet UI component improvements
- import/export of gzond node-compatible wallet files in progress
- explorer indexing research
QRL Weekly, 2024-February-06
Weekly Development Snapshot
- Code related to derived and remoteweb3signer has been disabled
- Removed deprecated validator web ui code
- Fix unit tests
- Removed all the codes related to forks other than Capella
- Removed old db migrations
- Renamed the Duties field with CurrentEpochDuties
- Overrided the SecondsPerSlot config field for tests on the validator side that rely on functions such as waitToSlotTwoThirds to have them run much faster
- new explorer/wallet middleware routes to support fee calculation in testnet wallet
- transaction UI work in testnet wallet
- interaction with middleware for automated transaction metadata population
- offline signing of transactions complete
QRL Weekly, 2024-January-30
Weekly Development Snapshot
- Updated several E2E tests for qrysm
- Removed AggregatePubKey from sync committee
- Removed non required code related to aggregateKeyRoot from sync committee
- Updated parameters and field parameters for minimal config
- Updated proto files and bazel files
- Demo repo using @theqrl/web3 package to show how to send transactions via nodejs
- Explorer working for latest block / address / transactions. Block by search in progress
- Smart contract example instructions / demo repo updated to Testnet release version
- Release of cli tool to extract hexseed from Zond Testnet node data files (https://github.com/theQRL/hexseed-from-address)
- qrypto.js maintenance update
- Basic wallet to send Zond Testnet QRL in progress
QRL Weekly, 2024-January-23
Weekly Development Snapshot
- Added fix related to configuration issues
- Updated protobuf stub files to support the new configuration changes
- Reset Zond Beta testnet with new configurations
- Released v0.1.1 for both zond and qrysm related binaries
- Tests for the beacon-client still in progress
- Dilithium5 JS package refactored to provide both CommonJS and ESM/MJS support with integration test / demo of use repo
- Tests of and enhancements to Windows installer package
- Documentation update
- Explorer routing complete with basic transaction info underway
QRL Weekly: Featuring QRL Zond beta-testnet v1 release, 2024-January-16
QRL Zond beta-testnet v1 Released
We are pleased to announce the release of QRL Zond beta-testnet v1, an important step towards allowing blockchain developers to create dApps with EVM smart contract capability and a robust web3 API on a quantum safe backbone. Read more in our blog or jump in right away by going to Test Zond.
QRL Weekly, 2024-January-09
Weekly Development Snapshot
- Pre-compiled deposit root contract has been created.
- Deposit contract has been updated to use the pre-compiled deposit root contract to reduce the gas cost required for the calculation of deposit root.
- Implementation of CLI tool that allows broadcasting deposit data file having multiple deposit transactions is in progress.
- CI/CD configurations in progress.
- Unit tests for the beacon-client still in progress.
Zond Testnet Explorer
- Front and backend architecture & scaffolding
- Latest block data
- Address balance
- Interactive metadata navigation
- Configurable API endpoint
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