Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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Proof of Stake

Proof-of-Stake is a blockchain consensus mechanism that will be replacing Proof-of-Work in QRL. Instead of computers competing for who would win the block by computing a piece of work, a validator is selected at random by the weight of their holdings.

QRL currently has a post-quantum secure Proof-of-Stake devnet and code, codenamed project Zond which lays out some of the framework that may be used for our upcoming proof-of-stake system. With the aim to provide the most reliable, efficient, and flexible, post-quantum secure proof-of-stake protocol, additional competing areas of research and development are being pursued between STARKs (with hash-based cryptography), and lattice-based cryptographic solutions.


Introducing lattice-algebra: An elegant, high-performance post-quantum cryptography library

technical   research  

QRL, in partnership with Geometry Labs, are excited to announce a new lattice-algebra library for efficient, elegant, and high performance post-quantum secure cryptography.

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Last Month at QRL — December 2020


XMSS NIST Approved. QRL Website and Logo Refresh in Celebration. Merchandise Design Contest with new assets. Quantascan.io released: An analytics explorer. Two new videos. The QRL Foundation joins forces with the League of Entropy. Development updates: PoS, Zeus, qrl-cli

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Last Month at QRL — November 2020


Project Zond: QRL’s Proof-of-Stake code released. Zeus: A codebase for rapid QRL development. New QRL public service status page, two new videos, and more.

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