Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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QRL Hackathon 2022

Rules & Guidelines

Hackathon Phases

  • Phase Idea & Team Building
  • Start Date 2022-08-30
  • End Date 2022-09-20
  • Location Online
  • Phase Hackathon Event
  • Start Date 2022-09-21
  • End Date 2022-09-22
  • Location Amsterdam

Rules & Guidelines

Table of Contents

Audience & Code-of-Conduct

This hackathon is open to everyone of most ages and skill levels. Whether you’re a designer, developer, writer, or want to be one, your presence is welcome! This is as much a place to build on the QRL ecosystem as much as it is to build the QRL community.

Covering this is our Code-of-Conduct, which broadly boils down to treating everyone with respect.


  1. Attendees from all backgrounds, genders, and geographies are welcome. There is no age restriction to attend the hackathon. In case you are under 18, your parents/legal guardian should contact the hackathon to request a waiver authorizing you to attend the hackathon.
  2. There can be up to five to a team which has a single focused project, and, which is spearheaded by a single individual. There will be an opportunity to choose a team name which will represent your personality and the project.
  3. To be eligible for prizes, at least one individual on the team will need to be in-person (one person can represent up to 2 projects).
  4. It’s possible to be part of multiple teams, but not to lead multiple teams.
  5. It’s possible to work on something on your own, (ie. a team of one)
  6. QRL Team members are eligible to participate in the hackathon independently, but not for any prizes.
  7. No work should be done before the start of the event, Team Building & Ideation, on August 30th, 2022.
  8. Project should have a major theme or component be QRL, and is recommended to use the QRL ecosystem.
  9. Adding new features to existing projects is allowed, such as adding QRL to another ecosystem.
  10. Teams can work on an idea that they have worked on before (as long as they do not re-use code)
  11. Any intellectual property developed during and within the scope of the hackathon must be open source and licensed under one of the licenses referenced in https://opensource.org/licenses.
  12. Teams must stop hacking once the time is up. However, teams are allowed to debug and make small fixes to their programs after time is up. e.g. If during demoing your hack you find a bug that breaks your application and the fix is only a few lines of code, it’s okay to fix that. Making large changes or adding new features is not allowed.
  13. Projects that violate the Code-of-Conduct are not allowed.
  14. Teams can be disqualified from the competition at the organizers’ discretion. Reasons might include but are not limited to breaking the competition rules, breaking the Code-of-Conduct, or other unsporting behaviour.


  1. Projects will need to be ‘handed in’ by 2pm Amsterdam local.
  2. At that point, shortlisted projects will be given an opportunity to present, starting at 2:30 pm.
  3. Final judging will take place during the presentations by a core team panel with weight from the community (50/50). Though final reward pools are to be determined, they will range from silly (ie. best team names) to serious (ie. most well-executed).