Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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The QRL Blockchain is One Year Old!

technical   events  

Where We’ve Been One year ago today, on June 26th, 2018, the QRL blockchain was released to the world. With the words, “The sleeper must awaken” and 34.679 KB of data, the first block was put into place. For those unfamiliar with the origin of the quote, it is from the 1984 film adaptation of Frank Herbert’s “Dune” The full line that it draws from is: A person needs new experiences.

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DeveloperWeek 2019 this week!


TL;DR — The Who/What/Where/When/Why of DeveloperWeek 2019

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Crypto Block Conference This Week!


TL;DR — Who/What/Where/When/Why of CryptoBlockCon 2018 Who CryptoBlockCon 2018 will be attended by: Adam Jack What CryptoBlockCon is a conference series that convenes four times a year, everywhere from Las Vegas to London, to discuss the future benefits & possibilities of blockchain technology & crypto assets. The traveling event serves to showcase companies who are using blockchain, educate current and future industry participants on blockchain technology, and serve as a platform for industry participants to network with one another.

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