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Roadmap update Q1:2023

The QRL Foundation has confirmed the receipt of 5 large grant applications and 2 small grant applications thus far. The next round of large foundation grants will be announced in Q2 2023. Core development is now entirely focused upon unlocking proof of stake as a consensus mechanism and enabling smart contract functionality (EVM).


31st January 2023

Foundation grants programme update

As the first round of Foundation grants closes, we are pleased to confirm the receipt of 5 large grant applications and 2 small grant applications thus far. These vary from cutting edge post-quantum cryptography research grants to a third party mobile wallet application. Already the first of each grant type have been approved and are working through legal / KYC processes.

The project is still actively welcoming many more small grant applications. Remember small grant applications continue through the year and exist for up to 30,000 CHF (or equivalent). If you have an idea or want to discuss a grant application further please do not hesitate to contact a team member in discord or by email.

The next round of large foundation grants will be announced in Q2 2023.

Project treasury snapshot Q1 2023

The last year has seen a precipitous decline in crypto asset valuations across the board and the QRL treasury is certainly not immune to this volatility.

As of the last 24 hours, the project treasury currently holds approximately CHF 10.67M ($11.6M) in assets: approximately $ 11.3M in protocol tokens and ~$.3M cash or equivalent with no significant liabilities.

We are grateful to our regulated crypto-custodian, Sygnum, for providing safe custody of Foundation assets.

Roadmap update

Core development is now entirely focused upon the final hard fork in the QRL roadmap - unlocking proof of stake as a consensus mechanism and enabling smart contract functionality (EVM). As this fast approaches more frequent core development updates will be forthcoming.

Let’s get building on QRL and have a fantastic 2023!


31st January 2023