Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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Last Week in QRL May 28th — June 3rd

Development Updates, Community Updates, Token Migration Reminder


30th May 2019


Last week saw our mobile wallets get out into the wider community, to wonderful reception. We truly appreciate all of the feedback, from praise to constructive criticism, and have taken it all into proper account as we move forward. This past week has us moving closer towards the closure of automatic token migration (more on this below), as well as the one year anniversary of our blockchain launch! Expect regular reminders about the closure of automatic migration both here, and on our other social channels, over the next 12 days.


  • go-qrl: Rate limiter added to Go QRL public API
  • mobile: Roadmap agreed for mobile app v2 and v3/beyond
  • node: Python node (master branch) now has additional API function of data directory size (i.e. chain size)


We will announce the winner of the Community Nomination for May in a separate blog, probably later in the week.

Token Migration Reminder


As we announced back in April in a dedicated blog, automatic migration will be closed as of JUNE 15, 2019 2000 UTC.

This will **not **mark the complete removal of user’s ability to migrate ERC20’s. However, currently the process is **automatic and can be completed in its entirety by the user on their own. After JUNE 15, 2019 2000 UTC, the process will be **manual, require interacting with The QRL team in some capacity, and may take an indeterminate amount of time. Additionally, each manual migration will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

This cannot be stressed enough: every user with ERC20s remaining in their possession, please migrate them to main-network Quanta on the QRL blockchain as soon as it is reasonably possible for you to do so.

We have seen a wonderful showing from users so far, with the number of ERC20’s remaining dwindling by the day. Ensuring that as much of the token population is migrated before **JUNE 15, 2019 2000 UTC **is a priority for the team, so expect more reminders over the next 12 days as we advance towards the end of automatic migration.


30th May 2019

Adam Koltun


Adam Koltun