Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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Last Week in QRL June 25 — July 1

Development Updates, QRL on Ledger Nano X, QRL Community Q&A


1st July 2019


This past week, as many are in blockchain, a busy one. We had the one year anniversary of launching the QRL blockchain, QRL is now on Ledger Nano X, and we had our first QRL Community Q&A. We will be announcing the recipient of July’s QRL Community Nomination Award in a blog later this week.


  • qrl-wallet: WebUSB/Nano X support in web wallet
  • go-qrl: Added missing return for updateChainState
  • mobile-wallet: Improvements based on mobile wallet v2

QRL on Ledger Nano X

As you may have already seen on our Twitter, QRL is now available on the Ledger Nano X. Previously, QRL was available on the Ledger Nano S, and we are happy to report that our compatibility has expanded. We always strive to ensure that our users have a functional and attractive suite of utility, and one of the key elements to that is a good option for a hardware wallet. Ledger continues to be the industry standard in the hardware wallet space, and we are happy to be able to offer that compatibility to our users. You can see our guide on using the Ledger Nano S or X here.

QRL Community Q&A

Today, on the QRL Discord server, the first QRL Community Q&A occurred. You can go check it out in the #qrl channel of the server yourself (for reference: it started today, July 1st, at 1800 UTC). We will also be cleaning up the questions, answers, follow-ups and responses, and putting them in an easy-to-access place. This should be available in a few days.

The Q&A consisted of questions from the community, both sent in previously, as well as asked in the moment. Members from the team answered questions, as well as responded to comments as they occurred, while offering their opinions on a variety of matters. Moving forward, we will try to hold similar Q&As, with some probably being more generalized, like today, with others potentially being more focused on a specific topic or cluster of topics.


1st July 2019

Adam Koltun


Adam Koltun