Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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Last Week in QRL August 20 — 26

Development Updates, New Exchange Listing


26th August 2019


Over the course of last week, we saw QRL integrated into the CoinTiger trading platform. While we are still looking for more liquidity for our users, we are happy to have added another option at this time. We wrote a blog on it — you can check that out here. This week was slightly lighter on development than most, as a few developers were out of town.


  • mobile-wallet: Beta release of v2
  • theqrl.org: Search engine optimization — SEO

New Exchange Listing — CoinTiger

CoinTiger is the latest exchange to list QRL, bringing the liquidity options for QRL users to Bittrex, UpBit, and CoinTiger. Deposits went live the 21st, Trading the 22nd, and Withdrawals on the 23rd. We want to assure users that we are not resting on our laurels — we are still looking for more liquidity options.

CoinTiger is based in Asia, and should afford users both within and outside of Asia a new opportunity to trade QRL should they desire. CoinTiger is a crypto-to-crypto exchange that offers pairs against their 3 base currencies — BTC, BitCNY, and USDT. Their website also comes in a variety of languages, including English, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Russian. We are excited to see what this additional market brings to the QRL ecosystem.


26th August 2019

Adam Koltun


Adam Koltun