Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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Last Month at QRL - August 2022

The QRL Hackathon 2022 has officially begun, opening the doors for everyone from institutions to individuals to be able to build post-quantum secure web3 applications more through Ethereum compatible smart contracts. Interested? Join the hackathon today.

Table of Contents


The QRL Hackathon 2022 Begins!

The team at QRL is delighted to announce that the ‘Build on QRL Protocol’ hackathon event has officially begun!

Quantum computing is an emerging technology that could potentially break many of the cryptographic primitives that we use for security. Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) research has been going on since it was first realized that quantum computers might someday pose a threat to public-key cryptography. During this time, the QRL has also been going through research and development to bring together the next generation of our ecosystem, which includes Proof-of-Stake and Ethereum compatible smart contracts.

Everybody, from institutions to individuals will be able to build quantum resistant DeFi applications on top of the QRL protocols which will be able to withstand any future attacks. Some ideas includ building/porting Web3 applications, translating documentation, gaming NFT creation, decentralized exchanges and establishing DAO & Governance on the QRL network.

Right now we’ve started with the Ideation & Team Building part of the hackathon, where people can form teams and conjure up ideas of what they can build to be eligible for up to 100,000 QRL. After that will be the in-person event on September 21st and 22nd at the Atrium Meeting Centre in Amsterdam.

If you haven’t already, be sure to see what the QRL Hackathon 2022 is all about and get started!

Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) in Zond

Over the last month, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) has been successfully integrated into Zond, with further bug fixes and quality of life improvements on their way. You can see much of the work in the changelog below.

The rest of the team will then get their hands on it in early September and begin creating documentation and supporting materials to enable people to better grasp the possibilities of the new Zond network.

Stay tuned!

Quantum News



Dilithium stores seed and recover the dilithium keys from seed stored in file

  • [38a54] Dilithium stores seed and recover the dilithium keys from seed stored in file

Updated go-qrllib version

  • [d16e8] Updated go-qrllib version

Migration from qrllib to go-qrllib

  • [d650c] Migration from qrllib to go-qrllib


Added Signature type check in IsValidXMSSAddress + Unit Tests

  • [131aa] Added Signature type check in IsValidXMSSAddress + Unit Tests

Added more unit tests for Dilithium

  • [ceda7] Added more unit tests for Dilithium

Added functions for Dilithium Wallet + Unit Tests + Refactoring

  • [807ca] Added functions for Dilithium Wallet + Unit Tests + Refactoring

Updated signature type and address format for both xmss and dilithium

  • [83b13] Updated signature type and address format for both xmss and dilithium

Fix: SignatureType calculation in descriptor

  • [f9670] Fix: SignatureType calculation in descriptor

Added Dilithium address support with Unit Tests

  • [4bb87] Added Dilithium address support with Unit Tests

QVM compatible XMSS Address format

  • [7c71e] QVM compatible XMSS Address format

Fix: Replacing math/rand to crypto/rand

  • [7279d] Fix: Replacing math/rand to crypto/rand

Replaced hard coded value to constant value

  • [a0a47] Replaced hard coded value to constant value

Simplified XMSS Verify, added IsValidXMSSAddress function + Unit Tests

  • [a0de4] Simplified XMSS Verify, added IsValidXMSSAddress function + Unit Tests

Code cleanup

Added GetExtendedSeed, GetHexSeed, GetMnemonic functions + Unit Tests

  • [26c16] Added GetExtendedSeed, GetHexSeed, GetMnemonic functions + Unit Tests

Added Unit Tests for MnemonicToBin and BinToMnemonic

  • [75fdf] Added Unit Tests for MnemonicToBin and BinToMnemonic

Added BinToMnemonic and MnemonicToBin functions

  • [da117] Added BinToMnemonic and MnemonicToBin functions

Added NewXMSSFromHeight function

  • [5811d] Added NewXMSSFromHeight function

Go implementation of Dilithium with Unit Tests

  • [75c30] Go implementation of Dilithium with Unit Tests

Changed function names

  • [2039e] Changed function names

Go Implementation of XMSS Fast with Unit Test

  • [8af76] Added go.mod
  • [c3a90] Go Implementation of XMSS Fast with Unit Test


Fixed: Dilithium extract_message & extract_signature

  • [5b7e5] Fixed: Dilithium extract_message & extract_signature
  • [0a902] Fix Go & Python Unit Tests
  • [df580] Fix: Python Unit Tests
  • [7e062] Pin to a specific (working)] node version in CI build_emscripten job
  • [3bba5] Merge pull request #1 from jplomas/master

Pin to a specific (working)] node version in CI build_emscripten job


Add rewards section to the QRL Hackathon 2022 events page

  • [e57a5] Rule clarification
  • [38817] Add rewards section to the QRL Hackathon 2022 events page

QRL Hackathon 2022 Begins!

  • [8c6ab] QRL Hackathon 2022 Begins!
  • [4f67c] Date adjustments
  • [877f7] Improved userflow + time

Add last month in QRL blog for July 2022

  • [c9fb1] Add last month in QRL blog for July
  • [70944] Update quantum news data file + shortcode

Add Catalyx exchange

  • [52554] Add Catalyx exchange

Remove Bittrex status message

  • [297be] Remove Bittrex status message

Add thank you landing page for registration form.

  • [e841a] Add thank you landing page for registration form.
  • [aa44c] Fix discord link

New developer hire blog: Welcome Prajjawal!

  • [0c362] New Blog: What exactly is the quantum threat to Bitcoin?
  • [13542] Summary adjustment
  • [9deed] Merge remote-tracking branch ‘upstream/main’
  • [93e7f] New blog: Welcome Prajjawal
  • [73f51] Flag “what exactly is the quantum threat to bitcoin” as draft
  • [d0adf] Summary fix.
  • [7e0c8] Other minor fixes

New feat: Add under maintenance status indicator to market

  • [faec6] New feat: Add under maintenance status indicator to market

New QRL guest blog: Quickly setup nodes with QRL Cannon

  • [21b3e] New QRL guest blog: Quickly setup nodes with QRL Cannon
  • [78d64] Hackathon edit

New landing page: QRL Hackathon 2022

  • [496be] Add event page structure
  • [cc3c4] Resolve preview summary encoding issues
  • [4fd7d] Correction for last month blog (Thanks to Discord user, runforest for highlighting)
  • [268f3] Re-add press category
  • [f69c1] Add QRL hackathon 2022 content
  • [c0881] Change link to hackathon landing page
  • [74505] Conflict fix
  • [ac55b] Add typeform to script-src inline policy.
  • [884fb] Improved CORS headers
  • [4f434] CORS
  • [9ee29] CORS…
  • [f771a] CSP …
  • [ab2c1] CSP …
  • [c274d] CSP v9 final v1

Add new exchange: dex-trade

  • [1cfc4] Correction for June’s last month at QRL blog
  • [f8592] Add new exchange: dex-trade

Add last month at qrl blog for June

  • [83c42] Add quantum news shortcode
  • [325f0] Add quantum news init data
  • [d402a] Add last month at qrl blog for June


Fix: To returns nil when not provided in transaction and ignored in GetSigningHash function

  • [f2319] Fix: To returns nil when not provided in transaction and ignored in GetSigningHash function

Updated cli flags

  • [d2554] Updated cli flags

Added deployContractFromDilithium, callContractFromDilithium & offChainCallContract in zond-cli

  • [e7ab1] Added deployContractFromDilithium, callContractFromDilithium & offChainCallContract in zond-cli

Fix: Encoding of evm code in transaction

  • [211f3] Fix: Encoding of evm code in transaction
  • [1541f] Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin/master’

Structure for evmcall API input

  • [eda01] Structure for evmcall API input

Added evmcall API support accepts abi encoded input and outputs abi encoded result

  • [b5572] Added evmcall API support accepts abi encoded input and outputs abi encoded result

Added evmcall function for offchain calls to smart contract

  • [e79a1] Added evmcall function for offchain calls to smart contract

Fix: Nonce update fix for coinbase transaction, ignore address validation if contract address

  • [8e4e5] Fix: Nonce update fix for coinbase transaction, ignore address validation if contract address

Fix: Add addresses to access list to make calls to smart contracts

  • [a4b96] Fix: Add addresses to access list to make calls to smart contracts

genesis-bootstrap now also generates dilithium_keys file used for staking

  • [2086c] genesis-bootstrap now also generates dilithium_keys file used for staking

Refactoring + loading accountDB based on trieRoot

  • [32403] Refactoring + loading accountDB based on trieRoot

Added PBData function for epoch

  • [a2f7e] Added PBData function for epoch

Added slotValidators in metadata

  • [c1626] Added slotValidators in metadata

Fix for SetStakeBalance & SetPendingStakeBalance

  • [0a270] Fix for SetStakeBalance & SetPendingStakeBalance

Fix: Gas refund in stake transaction

  • [10ab5] Fix: Gas refund in stake transaction

Call to GetDilithiumAddressFromUnSizedPK from the helper function

  • [dc355] Call to GetDilithiumAddressFromUnSizedPK from the helper function

Fix: currentBlockTotalStakeAmount is initialized when NewStateContext called

  • [c1a91] Fix: currentBlockTotalStakeAmount is initialized when NewStateContext called

Fix: Proper gas subtraction from gas pool for stake transaction + refactoring

  • [3742b] Fix: Proper gas subtraction from gas pool for stake transaction + refactoring

Fix: Initialize StakeBalance and PendingStakeBalance for the stateObject

  • [ae36d] Fix: Initialize StakeBalance and PendingStakeBalance for the stateObject

Refactored Hash & GenerateTxHash function in transactions

  • [f8e49] Refactored Hash & GenerateTxHash function in transactions

Fix: Protocol transaction to use Dilithium.Sign instead of Seal function

  • [7e08c] Fix: Protocol transaction to use Dilithium.Sign instead of Seal function

Fix to initialize and load genesis block

  • [c337d] Fix to initialize and load genesis block

Fix: Initialize the Header object and related fields

  • [fcf60] Fix: Initialize the Header object and related fields

Changes to load genesis and prestate from the yml file

  • [2dbd3] Changes to load genesis and prestate from the yml file

Added GetDilithiumAddressFromUnSizedPK and GetXMSSAddressFromUnSizedPK as helper functions

  • [b0ee7] Added GetDilithiumAddressFromUnSizedPK and GetXMSSAddressFromUnSizedPK as helper functions

Updated dev tool to bootstrap the genesis and prestate for the new network

  • [1c5a2] Updated dev tool to bootstrap the genesis and prestate for the new network

Updated go-qrllib version

  • [93bb1] Updated go-qrllib version

Added BlockGasLimit in the config

  • [26bb7] Added BlockGasLimit in the config

Added ChainID in dev config and datatype update

  • [3035e] Added ChainID in dev config and datatype update

Refactoring + Added more checks for the index value in wallet

  • [ca30f] Refactoring + Added more checks for the index value in wallet

Jack Matier


Jack Matier